Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Montones de café, este es su efecto en el riñón

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Montones de café, este es su efecto en el riñón


Yakarta, el mago de Limbad se desmayó después de actuar en la víspera del nuevo año 2017 en Round Square Praya, en el centro de Lombok. Su esposa, Susi, lo relacionó con un historial de enfermedad renal y hábitos de consumo de café. Susi menciona que el mago ingenioso tiene un historial de cálculos renales hace unos 5 años. Sospechaba, la enfermedad reapareció e hizo que Limbad se desmayara después de ahorcarse mientras estaba seco durante 12 horas. Él también era café demen, tal vez demasiado café para obtener su riñón, dijo Susi, citado en detikHot, domingo (1/1/2017). La asociación del café con la enfermedad renal ha sido tema de conversación durante mucho tiempo. Una de las bebidas más populares en todo el mundo contiene oxalato, que en el cuerpo puede unirse al calcio y formar oxalato de calcio. Este es un componente renal formador de cálculos. Un estudio de 2004 demostró un aumento en los niveles de calcio en la orina después de consumir 2 tazas de café al día. Pero en este estudio, las conclusiones solo se aplican a las personas con antecedentes de cálculos renales.






Foto: thinkstock






Lea también: 3 Beneficios de tomar café antes del ejercicio Un experto en salud lo atribuye a las propiedades diuréticas de la cafeína contenida en el café. Según él, la ingesta de café afecta la absorción de líquido en la sangre y finalmente afecta los riñones. Pero también es probable que ocurra en personas con función renal que ya son problemáticas. No siempre es malo si tienes una función renal normal, pero los estudios muestran que el consumo de café a largo plazo puede empeorar la enfermedad renal, dice el profesor Chris Eden del Royal Surrey County Hospital, citado de Dailymail. La naturaleza solitaria del café como un diurético también , no todos los expertos están de acuerdo. De hecho, muchos atletas que consumen café antes del juego sin preocuparse por la deshidratación. Ciertamente, en una dosis razonable y sin antecedentes de dolor renal.


Aquí está la acción Limbad que conduce a la recurrencia del dolor renal:






Lea también: tomar café antes de los deportes, ¿está aumentando realmente el riesgo de deshidratación? (Arriba / lll)



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Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

Ban Smoking in the Balcony, How to Extreme Reduce Smokers in Finland

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Ban Smoking in the Balcony, How to Extreme Reduce Smokers in Finland


Jakarta, Finland could be one of the most successful countries to suppress the number of smokers in the world. Currently, the number of smokers is less than 2 percent. But this is not enough. Local governments are targeting Finland completely free of cigarette smoke in 2040. For that they are now trying to intensify efforts to really eliminate the 2 percent tersebut.Untuk achieve this level itself, Finland takes more than 10 years. It began with the banning of cigarette advertisements in mass media and billboards on the streets. Then the government is also making more public spaces free of cigarette smoke.But as of 2017, Finland plans to take a more revolutionary approach. Kaari Paaso, head of the hazard prevention unit of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs affirmed, it wants to eradicate all types of tobacco products. Like in Sweden, the policy of reducing smokers is done by introducing snus, a type of cigarette but without smoke. While in the UK, this reduction is done by allowing electric cigarettes to help people stop smoking conventional cigarettes. However, Finland does not want to get stuck in a policy like this. First, they raise taxes for stores selling cigarettes or other tobacco products. This method is considered the most effective experts to reduce the number of smokers in various places. Every shop that wants to sell cigarettes should submit a licensing proposal and pay the licensing fees. This does not include any additional fees to be paid each year. These additional fees are used to pay overtime pay of government employees who are in charge of watching them. Read also: Stop Smoking Becomes The Most Difficult Resolution But this is the most expensive cost because it is calculated per cashier. The cost alone can be more than 500 US dollars (USD 6.6 million) for each cashier every year. So if there is a store with 10 cashiers, then they could have paid more than 5,000 US dollars per year. So the cost is quite expensive just to get permission to sell this product, Paaso said as reported CNN. Interestingly, Finland also has a policy other unique. Starting this year, the government forbids someone smoking on the balcony of someone else's house if their existence is felt to disturb the owner of the house and its neighbors, especially if smoke burns cigarettes everywhere. This policy is relatively new and has never existed, as most countries do banning public areas but we are already in the private area, Paaso continued. Finnish residents are no longer allowed to smoke cigarettes in cars if there is a 15-year-old passenger down in it, no matter whether it is their private vehicle. To prevent the introduction of cigarettes in the younger generation, the government also limits the sale of various products similar to cigarettes such as candy or chocolate-shaped cigarettes. Similarly, with electric cigarettes. As of August, these products have curtailed restrictions such as fixing buyer age limits and flavor liquids on electric cigarettes nor should they be sold anymore, Paaso said. Due to these efforts, the WHO also recognizes Finland as the world's first country to target ' 'smokers and their circulation of products thoroughly.Read also: Study: Many People Do not Understand What Makes Cigarettes Dangerous (lll / up)


